"do you think whip it portrays roller derby well? do you think it's a good or bad thing" |
A couple of weeks ago I received this question on another blog of mine, and I thought it would be a fantastic discussion topic for this blog. I feel like
Whip It did a pretty stellar job of portraying the life of
a girl falling in love with roller derby. I don't know if I
can speak for everyone here, but my own experience was almost exactly
like Bliss’s. I even found out about derby almost the same
way Bliss did, but that is beside the point. The whole “putting on
skates every moment you can, sneaking around skating when you’re not
supposed to, blowing all your money on gear, practicing nonstop until
you can get things right, trying to look tough in the mirror and
practicing your derby pose, making sacrifices to play derby” stuff that
Bliss did in the movie perfectly describes my best friend, who joined derby with me, and me.
Maggie encouraging Bliss to join the team. Image here |
Whip It is probably one of the best representations of roller derby that the
tv/movie industry has come up with so far (in my opinion at least…which
may be a little biased because I am absolutely in love with every single
thing about this movie, and I actually like it waaay better than the
book by far). I have seen derby in a few shows, all of which, of course,
portray it very poorly and they only used
the typical derby stereotypes.
Which is fine I guess, because hey, it sells, but it is in no way
representative of the sport.
Whip It shows the reality of derby. It
consumes your life, it is addicting, and it is something that most
people fall in love with instantly, like Bliss did. It also really
captures the essence of the derby community and family, which is a MAJOR
part of derby to me. This is especially shown in Bliss and Maggie’s
relationship, and when Bliss tells the team that she is underage. Maggie completely takes Bliss under her wing when she is a newbie, and is
immediately there for her when things are rough for her at home. When Bliss tells the team she is underage, they aren't angry.
They are concerned and right away they start figuring out how to get
Bliss to be able to play. Roller derby is not just a sport, it’s a
Whip It definitely captured this idea well.
One of the only things
the film didn’t exactly represent accurately is the rules. They
show lots of
You might want to check that rule about elbows, ladies... Image here |
punching, tripping, fighting, elbowing, and overall some
pretty bad sportsmanship, which is definitely not how derby is played
anymore. Now that I think about it, I do wish there was a bit more
gameplay in the movie, but I understand why there isn’t. A derby game is fast-paced
and hard to follow for people who don’t understand the rules, and this
movie was not necessarily directed toward derby players and people who
know the game, so it makes sense that they didn’t show a ton of pack
Anyways, to put it plainly, yes, I do believe
Whip It portrayed derby very well, and I would love to hear the opinions and views of other skaters on this topic, as well!
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